Thursday, April 21, 2005

Let's abort the filibuster

David Brock in his latest column, Roe's Birth, and Death argues that the fuss we have in the Senate now over Bush's judicial nominees stems from the court's mindless decision in Roe v. Wade. In short, the Roe decision removed from the abortion issue from the political sphere and placed it in the judiciary. No longer is the issue to be decided by legislative bodies reflecting their consituents, but instead, movement on abortion law in this country--one way or another--will only occur in a court room. Brock does chide the GOP for trying to eliminate the filibuster rule, but I can't help but wonder what other option they have to just get an up or down vote.

Over 40 million American babies are dead and our politics are an acrimonious mess. Thank you Justice Blackmun and your judicial co-conspirators.


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