What a Mooron

I saw Michael Moore's "documentary" in Memphis the weekend it came out. As I sat down in my seat, a guy sitting on my aisle asked "Who in here is a Republican?" I let him know that I was. He dryly responded with contempt that "all Republicans should be killed; that's the only way to keep them from voting." Now while I know that all Democrats aren't that vitriolic or inflamatory, I knew that I was sitting down to a film that would test my nerves. But after seeing the film, it's not Moore's movie that bothers me; instead, its the left's intellectually bankrupt embracement of something that is so deceptive and dishonest. I expect insanity from one man such as Moore. I hate to see, though, that that insanity is received so warmly by a party that represents roughly half the country. If you have the time, Dave Kopel has an excellent essay: "Fifty-nine Deceits in Fahrenheit 9/11." It's an exhaustive work (as anyone who's seen the film would know it has to be) that pretty much puts to rest any doubt about who's really on the right side of the issues...
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