
Law school is only a few days away from starting, so that can only mean one thing: a great excuse to get a new computer. After months of consideration, I settled on the 12" Powerbook. So far I'm thrilled with it. I've noticed, though, that on this site where I edit my blogs some of the tool bar functions like inserting hyperlinks don't appear (I've noticed this in certain web browsers on PC's (I'm using Safari now)). It looks like I'll be learning my html a bit better...
Very cool! Congrats!
Sounds like a nice machine!
Yeah, Blogger has had varying quality in the Mac support the whole time I've used them.
The current Mac version is much, much better than its predecessor, though not as good as the version before that.
On the first version of Blogger, I had problems with it letting both Safari and Netscape (Mac and PC) eat the template, so I always used IE for my Blogger browser (about the only thing I use IE for).
That said, I've also always just hand-coded each post, 'cause I find that easier anyway. One thing you can do to speed it up is create some standing elements in your post template. I always included an image in each post, so when I created a new entry, the image tag code popped up automatically. You can do the same thing with link tags so they're ready for you when you start a new entry.
Thanks for the note. Now that I'm through with all the crazy back to school stuff, I hope to master this blogging world a bit better (especially with an almighty Powerbook).
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