Why I love the New York Post

I only wish I had thought of that biting pun.
But much more seriously, this is a must read from the National Review Online: The Father of Modern Terrorism.
Amazing that France gave him yesterday a send off reserved only for head's of state--even though he's a terrorist leader of a group of mostly blood thirsty thugs that don't even have a state.
I have to honestly disagree with you. I think even more than their own state (and yes they want that very badly), they want the destruction of Israel. I'm convinced that they won't be happy until every Jew in Israel is drowning in the Mediteranean. That's why I can't help but be pessimistic about peace in the Middle East.
I would submit to you that the ultimate proof that a state isn't the thing they want is found in that they were offered a state by the UN in 1947 and the rejected it because the partition allowed a Jewish presence. Again, in 2000 Israel conceded more than it ever has (and likely ever will) to the Palestinians. These concessions included a soveriegn Palestinian state in Gaza and 93% of the West Bank. Arafat gave Nothing.
Dennis Ross, who was one of the top negotiators working side by side Clinton, Barak, and Arafat spoke at Croft at Ole Miss last year. He said that Arafat was 100% the problem--that the guy wouldn't give an inch. Here you have a man representing a people desperate for a state and when offered one (with tons of international aid and the full support of the World) he turns it down. The reason? right of return and Jerusalem. One in practice would wipe out the Jewish presence over generations--millions of Palestinians returning to Israel, a state of only 4 million, would assimilate out Jewish life, culture and power. The issue of Jerusalem is designed to drive a stake in the heart of Jewish pride. It represents a symbolic threat to the sanctity and security of Israel. Those two issues can never be conceeded by Israel and Arafat knows it.
So why not accept the very best he possibly can with Israel in the picture? The simple answer is that he doesn't want Israel in the picture.
Just remember, Israel is more concerned with their own peace and security than they are with oppressing Palestinians. The ultimate proof of this is seen in their concessions at Camp David. The Palestinians are more concerned with the destruction of Israel than they are obtaining their own state. The ultimate proof of this is seen in their rejection of an offer of statehood at Camp David.
While there a lot of damning quotes out their issued by not only Arafat, but Fatah, the PLO and Hamas, those quotes aren't to me the most compelling indictment of how corrupt and unworthy of statehood the Palestinians are. Their refusals that I've already mentioned and the fact that the PLO and Arab countries have used Israel as a strawman to pander to and incite the largely ignorant mobs that make up most of Gaza and the West Bank prove their vileness. They have engineered a people so bent on hate and death that they can think of nothing else. This is truly sad...not just in its aim but in the fact that so many people are truly misdirected. Israel is in a terrible position because there is little they can do to mitigate the rage on the Palestinian side. Only a brutal war or Palestinian self reform can effect a lasting workable outcome. I pray its the latter. Arafat's death is a very small step in the right direction.
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